How To Avoid Having A Broke Mindset

When it comes to managing our finances, having a broke mindset is a big disadvantage. But in reality, most of us are conditioned to incorporate negative ways of thinking about money into our lives. The good news is it’s possible to transform your mindset, which could lead to positive changes in your financial situation. Let’s … Read more

The 3 Main Ways To Create Multiple Sources Of Income

The key to building wealth and achieving financial success is creating multiple sources of income. In fact, the average millionaire has several sources of income. Having multiple income streams can give you peace of mind with your finances because you aren’t relying on one single job or investment for your money. Basically, you aren’t putting … Read more

28 Budget Friendly Essentials For Toddlers In Every Scenario!

These budget friendly essentials for toddlers are linked via affiliate links that help us grow Clever Girl Finance! Please see our disclosures for more information. We made a list of budget-friendly essentials for toddlers because your baby is growing into a little human. Your child is exploring more and becoming more independent. And they’re learning what they … Read more

How To Build Wealth In Your 20s In 9 Steps!

Let’s talk about how to build wealth in your 20s! In your 20s, it might seem like you’ll never reach your financial goals. After all, according to a credit report by Experian, the average Gen Z consumer under age 24 has $10,942 worth of debt. And that increases as you age, as the average Millennial consumer … Read more

30 Save Money Slogans To Motivate You

No matter where you’re at on your financial journey, there’s always something you can improve. That’s where having a list of “save money slogans” can come in handy! Most people enjoy having reached goals for a time, and then want to move on to the next thing. For example, perhaps you’ve just saved $10,000 in … Read more