21 Money Myths To Rid Your Mind Of Today!

Managing money can be challenging, especially when there are so many money myths and misconceptions floating around. These financial myths can be detrimental to your financial well-being. They can lead you to make poor decisions, cause you to overspend, discourage you from seeking help or understanding, and cause lots of stress. Don’t worry, that doesn’t … Read more

9 Money Truths You Must Know

Being educated on money, investing, saving, and spending can help you develop a healthy financial lifestyle. And there are always new things to learn about money. While that might feel overwhelming, you can start your financial literacy journey by learning some of the most important money truths. What is a money truth? It’s a fact … Read more

Key Tips For Living On One Income

As someone who has been living on one income for years, I know firsthand the challenges and rewards of this lifestyle. I’ve had to get creative with my budgeting, learn to prioritize my spending and find joy in the simple things. And I’ll tell you, it’s been an adventure! Now I want to share everything … Read more

10% Rule: Is Saving 10% Enough?

Let’s talk about the 10% rule! It’s a popular idea that saving 10% of your income is a smart way to start building a healthy savings account. No matter where you are in your savings journey, trying to save is always important. Regardless of how much or little that is. However, following the 10% rule … Read more