What To Do If You Get Laid Off

Job security is something many of us take for granted too often. Whether it’s because of poor business or the fledgling economy, layoffs often times take employees by surprise. Even if you’re performing well at work, you should always be prepared to lose your job just in case. As with anything in life, you never … Read more

11 Best Places To Sell Gold For Cash

Do you want to learn how to sell gold for cash? Selling your gold can be a quick way to make extra money and potentially turn a profit depending on if the price of gold increased.  Whether you have gold jewelry, gold coins, gold bars, or even dental gold, you can most likely make extra… … Read more

Black Homeownership Statistics And How Things Can Be Improved

The truth is that many problems contribute to low black homeownership statistics and homeownership rates. Yes, inequalities and racial disparities exist in the housing industry. But improving the black homeownership rate is still important, necessary, and attainable. Let’s take a look at the statistics and what we can do about them. Why is black homeownership so … Read more

How To Turn $1,000 Into $10,000

Do you want to learn how to turn $1,000 into $10,000? Turning $1,000 into $10,000 might seem like a big challenge, but it’s possible with the right plans and some creativity. Whether you want to make extra income, run a full-time business, or if you are just looking to learn how to turn your $1K… … Read more

29 Yearly Goals Everyone Should Have!

There’s no rule that we have to make all our New Year’s resolutions on January 1! Infact, it’s never too early or too late to think about our goals for the year. Additionally, figuring out your yearly goals can be an ongoing process. So keep reading to learn what key goals everyone should have in place! Setting goals for the year isn’t meant … Read more