8 Tips On How To Find Your Why!

Do you feel a sense of fulfillment in your career, relationships, and life in general, or do you feel so-so? Sometimes, life can become confusing if you haven’t answered the question, “What’s your why?”. So if you are reading this, it’s time to find your why to bring more intention and focus to your life. … Read more

4 Tips On How To Live Without A Job

Losing a job is scary for anyone—especially if you haven’t attained financial independence. Not only do you have to figure out how to live without a job, but there’s the added stress of having to find a new one. Though it can be daunting to navigate unemployment, it is possible. Keep reading to learn how. Here … Read more

How To Move Out At 18

Do you want to learn how to move out at 18 with no credit, little money, or even no money? Here’s what you need to know. There are many reasons for why you may want to move out at a young age – perhaps you have a difficult home life, you want to move somewhere… … Read more

Why We Always Recommend Low Cost Index Funds

We here at MoneyNing.com recommend low cost index funds for the individual investor. Sometimes we write out a good argument, and sometimes we simply state it as fact. This article illustrates what happened with one of our reader’s investment portfolio so you can judge for yourselves whether low cost index funds is for you. MoneyNing, … Read more

Why I Love Selling Printables On Etsy

Today, I have a fun guest post from my friend Cody Berman. Cody is a digital nomad who quit his corporate job to pursue entrepreneurship full-time. He started selling digital products in 2018 and became hooked after earning $700+ in one week. He now helps other entrepreneurs and creators monetize their businesses through digital products…. … Read more

What’s the Best Way to Clean Your Carpets?

As I’m walking around my home I can tell it’s early summertime. Between the natural deposits from the muddy shoes of a Midwest spring, having over a hundred people walking through my home for a party over Memorial Day weekend, and just life with two teenagers, and two cats, there are many visible spots in … Read more

8 Tips To Make A Money Vision Board

Learning how to make a money vision board can be incredibly helpful for financial management. When it comes to goals, the adage rings true: “Out of sight, out of mind.” But if you take the time to create a vision board, you’ll constantly be reminded of your goals. As cited in Verywell Mind, vision boards … Read more