65 Life and Money Tips That Will Change Your Life

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As each year ends, I like to round-up all of my blog posts on Making Sense of Cents from the past year in one easy spot so that you can check them all out and see what interests you.65 Life and Money Tips That Will Change Your Life

I have divided all of my blog posts into the following categories:

  • Freebies you can sign up for
  • Make money or work from home
  • Money saving tips
  • Personal money stories (early retirement and debt payoff stories)
  • Money management tips
  • Make money blogging
  • Life, motivation, and inspiration
  • Travel

Also, I have a private community group for readers of Making Sense of Cents. If you want to improve your life and your financial situation, join here and let’s all help one another out!

Enjoy these life and money tips!


Freebies you can sign up for


Make money or work from home


Money saving tips


Personal money stories


Money management tips

Related personal finance tip: Personal Capital is a great resource that I highly recommend. You can track your net worth, your cash flow, your portfolio, your investments, and more. 


Make money blogging

How To Start A Blog FREE Course: With this free email course, I show you exactly how to create a blog, from the technical side (it’s easy – trust me!) all the way to earning your first income and attracting followers. Each day, for seven days, you will receive an email in your inbox that will help you create a successful and profitable blog, all from the very beginning.


Life, motivation, and inspiration



What is the best personal finance tip you learned this year?

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